Activity 2.2-cyrosphere DJankuta Glacier

The Problem

 With The constant human activities, the heat activities constantly increasing glaciers it would melt, and the large patch of ice would go to warm oceans which leads to the constant increase for the sea water level. From the Wildlife foundation it states that "Today, about 10% of land area on Earth is covered with glacial ice. Almost 90% is in Antarctica, while the remaining 10% is in the Greenland ice cap". That the main cause of this is because of the manufacturing of mankind and how the content increase for the temperature increase leads the glaciers to melt. Glacier DJankuta Glacier located in the Russian region. The first photos are from a photographer named Popovin, V. I found my research by Glacier photograph collection search and order. (n.d.). The First picture that's in black in white was taken on August 22, 1992. We see how it has many rocky surfaced and has plenty of snow. at the bottom you see that there is a dry but flat surface, but in his second on he takes in 2003 with no specific date what I found interesting was that within 10 years you see how the second picture has a smoother platform, and that snow has decreased, it's hard to tell but in the bottom it looks to be a river but it's for a new wet surface compared to when it was first taken. The last Photo is from the google Earth, it kept taking me to that spot but not actually showing me the location of the mountains for what it was showing me I can see how it has snow but its more land than snow.



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