Activity 2.2.1- My Daily Water Use

Water usage Information

In three Months 

July-5985 Gal

Aug.-5237 Gal

Sept.-5985 Gal

The usage divide by the # of household (6)

July- 5985/6=997.5 Gal

Aug- 5237/6=876.83

Sept-5985/6=997.5 Gal

Divid the amount by the month




Calculated the waters 

Southwest Florida water Management -

 my per day usage was 82 Gal

Home water works

my personal gallon was 27.3

My Thoughts

    The websites I have provide gives you the run down on what you use in the household along with the calculations on if you live with others. It was informative on what the usual amount being use and it gives you the options on how long the water is being use and how many times in the week they use, which does add up to a large amount that I didn't expect I like the websites, because it gives you options on what you use and the amount of water that you didn't think you were using. Something I would like the water management websites is more an individual usage of the water bring use, for an example when you compare yourself with the household members you sometimes know is taking the longer showers or leave the water on. so being able to see which member is really wasting it would be a nice and informal touch.
    I was surprised in general on the amount my family of 6 was using on water, with a family of 6 I dint expect the water bill to have an average of 6000-gallon usage plus the bill amount itself. When calculating everything I thought it's a decent amount, but I could do better like I can turn off the sink when my younger siblings are brushing their teeth and hair when they let the water run. My family rarely water the grass we didn't care for it, but it was the HOA that told us that we need to water more of the yard so that's a big thing that I want to get rid of.


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